Comments on: Summer Refresh in the Desert Room Interior Designer & Licensed Therapist Thu, 16 Aug 2018 03:29:31 +0000 hourly 1 By: Anita Yokota Thu, 16 Aug 2018 03:29:31 +0000 In reply to Maya.

Hi Maya,
Thank you so much for your valuable feedback! I am honored that you have been a reader for awhile now. I am as committed as ever to providing you with great content. I will definitely take note! Thank you and can’t wait to share more with you! Xo

By: Maya Sat, 11 Aug 2018 23:13:58 +0000 hey anita, just wanted to give you a little feedback on your posts these days. I have always really loved your blog, and have read every single post of yours, and I think that it is one of my all time favorites, right up there with Emily Henderson. You have a unique style of design, and your voice is just too funny! But something that both I and my other friends that read your blog have noticed is that the amount of content that you are delivering per post is getting smaller. While I still love a quick and fun post, I feel that there is just not enough valuable info in a blog post about using travel items in your room even though the office space was stunning. And the guest bedroom makeover was just not right and many of us felt that it looked a lot better before without those blankets, and did not look curated and thought out like normal. I absolutely LOVED the post about re-doing your tween daughter’s room, and all the makeovers that you do, though its been awhile since you have done one. I also really loved the posts about incorporating vintage rugs into home and redoing your little girl’s bedroom.

Anita, I have been a avid reader of your blog since the beginning and love reading every single post. Just a little feedback to help improve your AMAZING corner of the internet and I truly hope that this will help you. I really do not mean to be mean or anything, but just me and a couple other people’s opinion.

