Comments on: Go Vote ANITA YOKOTA for Domino Blog Awards: My Story Interior Designer & Licensed Therapist Mon, 21 Dec 2020 06:13:31 +0000 hourly 1 By: Anita Yokota Fri, 08 Dec 2017 22:39:55 +0000 In reply to Shavonda.

Thank you so much Shavonda! I can’t wait to celebrate with you!!

By: Shavonda Tue, 05 Dec 2017 19:13:43 +0000 I feel the EXACT same way Anita!! I swear there are days when I look around and ask myself “what on earth are you doing”? Its ALOT of work. ALOT of time. And I swear I lose at the mom/wife thing ALOT. But like you said theres so much joy in it when you connect with someone and realize someone really needed to see or hear or learn what you had to say. Its incredibly fulfilling. I read your Domino feature today and thought Boy I really needed to read this today. There are so many times when I SWEAR Im walking away from the blog, but then somthing just pulls me back in. I like what you said about having something thats “yours”. The blog has always been mine so Im thinking going into 2018 Ill be putting in alot more focus on it. Congraulations on your win and Im so so excited to meet you next week!
